YouTube is a great teaching and learning tool I wish I had when I first started my karate training. That being said, there is a lot of information out there, some good, some not so much.
Here is a unique video I saw from Sensei Gary Swain from the ISKF. What I like about this video is that he clearly articulates and summarizes the real meaning behind shotokan karate and martial arts training in general in my opinion. I found this video to be parallel to my personal sentiments and philosophies behind why I teach and train- and how we teach and train at our dojo.
Whether you agree with his perspectives and opinions in the video, it is a good example of some of the content that is available to shotokan karate practioners outside of the plethora of techniques, tournaments and sparring videos that are on YouTube or Vimeo.
We are not affiliated with Sensei Swain or the ISKF but that is one of the things that makes shotokan karate great. We are all part of a brotherhood and sisterhood that is much bigger than association affiliations. We are part of a tradition that has been passed down for hundreds of years no matter where you train or who you train with.
Enjoy and I hope this is thought provoking for you in terms of your personal reasons for training and your philosophies about shotokan karate in general.